The Mayor's Transport Strategy

detail from cover of mayor's transport strategy 2018
"At its heart is a bold aim for 80% of all trips in London to be made on foot, by cycle or using public transport by 2041.

This is a big task and achieving it won't be easy. "

The Mayor's approach

The strategy uses the Healthy Streets Approach. This makes health and personal experience the priority as we plan our city.

The Healthy Streets Approach will be applied to the whole transport system to help create:

  • Healthy Streets and healthy people: streets make up 80% of London's public spaces - making them Healthy Streets will improve the quality of life for everyone in London
  • A good public transport experience: public transport is the most efficient way for people to travel distances that are too long to walk or cycle. A seamless, 'whole-journey' experience will provide an attractive alternative to using the car
  • New homes and jobs: London needs 65,000 new homes every year to meet demand, plus around 1.3 million more jobs by 2041. We have an opportunity to reshape London and make sure it grows in a way that improves the quality of life for everyone

Making the strategy work

The Mayor's Transport Strategy looks ahead two decades and cuts across all forms of transport in London. To implement the strategy's proposals successfully, we will need to:

  • Prepare for new technology and unpredictable changes to the way we live
  • Find a more efficient and fair way of paying for transport projects in London
  • Work with partners across London and beyond, including the Government, London boroughs, other transport operators, business and other stakeholders
  • Implement strategies and plans to achieve the Mayor's priorities

Action plans to support the strategy

Actions plans we've developed detail how the Mayor and TfL will achieve the Mayor's Transport Strategy proposals. These will include new actions and initiatives that are in line with the policies of the strategy.

Action on Inclusion

Launched in 2023, our long-term internal diversity and inclusion strategy outlines our commitment to creating a truly inclusive workplace by 2030.

Bus action plan

This plan aims to make bus travel a zero-carbon transport option that more Londoners choose to use.

By following the plan, we will have a bus service that is comfortable and easy for all to use, is safe and secure, offers attractive journey times, provides the connections people need and is a zero carbon travel choice.

Cycling action plan

This plan aims to make the capital a place where cycling is an accessible and inclusive way of getting around, so everyone can share the benefits.

The actions in the plan will enable more Londoners to make cycling part of their everyday travel by breaking down the main, evidence-based barriers to cycling in London.

Freight and servicing action plan

The aim of the Freight and servicing action plan is to support safe, clean and efficient movement of freight in our city.

The actions in the plan set out how we can work on this with boroughs, businesses and the freight and servicing industry itself while road space is reallocated to walking, cycling and public transport and new regulations are introduced to make vehicles safer and cleaner.

Vision Zero action plan

The aim of Vision Zero is to eliminate all deaths and serious injuries on London's transport system. This plan focuses on the area where our greatest challenges lie - London's streets.

The actions in the plan will reduce road danger for everyone and create streets safe for walking and cycling.

Since we published our plan three years ago, we have introduced new and updated measures in our report.

This will help ensure we continue to work towards our target of eliminating deaths and serious injuries from London's roads.

Evidence showing how speed reduction measures affect air quality and health is on the Transport & health page.

Walking action plans

The first of these plans, the Walking action plan, is aimed at making London the world's most walkable city, with a target to increase the number of walking trips by more than one million a day by 2024.

The Leisure walking plan sets out our ambition to enhance, improve and expand opportunities to walk for pleasure in London. It includes actions for connecting parks and green spaces with local communities, and for making sure these green routes are accessible for everyone.

The actions in these plans will enable more people to walk part or all of their journey and improve the experience of walking.

We're currently developing an Accessibility, diversity and inclusion action plan. This will set out how we intend to enhance London's street and public transport system so people can travel spontaneously and independently.

Mayor's Transport Strategy - 2022 revision

The Mayor revised his strategy in November 2022 by adding a supplementary proposal. This proposal would allow TfL and the boroughs to seek to address the triple challenges of air quality, the climate emergency and traffic congestion through road user charging schemes, including by expanding the Ultra Low Emission Zone across London.

Mayor's Transport Strategy evidence base

Several documents and reports went into the Mayor's Transport Strategy. These includes the:

Borough delivery of the Mayor's Transport Strategy

The London boroughs are fundamental to achieving the Mayor's Transport Strategy proposals.

The Borough 3-year report shows how boroughs have used Local Implementation Plan funding to make London's roads safer and more attractive for people using public transport and walking and cycling. This helps us achieve the aims of the Mayor's Transport Strategy.

Monitoring our progress

Our progress in delivering the Mayor's Transport Strategy is reported annually to the TfL Board.

Progress is reported annually in the Travel in London report and to the TfL Board. See the Board agenda and papers for updates on:

  • 29 July 2020
  • 22 May 2019
  • 23 May 2018

Integrated Impact Assessment

These Integrated Impact Assessment documents relate to the draft Mayor's Transport Strategy 2017.