Tube Modernisation: Statement from LU in response to confirmation of RMT strike

02 May 2014

Phil Hufton, London Underground's Chief Operating Officer, said:

"We set out our proposals to modernise the Tube and improve customer service nearly 6 months ago. We have had well over 40 meetings, and came to ACAS today to listen, make progress and bring an end to this dispute. The RMT leadership clearly did not. They have still offered no credible alternative proposals and are still demanding the wholesale cessation of all modernisation as the price for calling off their pointless strike next week.  Despite our offer to continue talking, their interest seems to be in preserving the past and forcing London's fare and tax payers to foot the bill.  

"No responsible management can stand by and allow that to happen - like all organisations we simply have to move with the times. That means more reliable services, better stations and much higher levels of face-to-face customer service with staff readily on hand to assist customers at ticket machines, ticket gates and on platforms. 

"I don't know any other organisation that offers the guarantees to staff that we have - no compulsory redundancies, anyone who wants to stay with us can have a job and no one will lose pay.  We have made significant changes to our proposals to accommodate the views of the unions and our staff, the other three trades unions are continuing to discuss our latest proposals

"I apologise for the further disruption that the RMT leadership are intent on inflicting on London next week, we will work hard to keep London moving and provide an even better service than we did last week - when we ran over fifty per cent of Tube trains and kept eighty per cent of stations open. Londoners will rightly wonder how on earth the RMT leaders can justify more disruption and will join me in urging them to see sense and call off the strike."