Blackhorse Lane reopens in full

25 February 2020
"We are extremely grateful to this community for their patience while we completed the work. These two bridges will now serve the community for many years to come"

Blackhorse Lane in Croydon reopened to two-way traffic today following the completion of work that saw the TfL owned bridge over the tramway and the neighbouring Croydon Council owned bridge over the Addiscombe Railway Park replaced, as a single scheme delivered by TfL.

The bridges were replaced at the same time to minimise the impact on residents and users of Blackhorse Lane and to save public money.

Improvements delivered as part of the project have included wider pavements to make walking easier in the area, provision for new cycle lanes and improved lighting for added safety.

Both bridges, which were more than 120 years old, have had their bridge decks replaced and foundations strengthened, allowing Croydon Council to remove the weight restrictions that had been in place for several years.

Mark Davis, General Manager, London Trams said: 'It's great news that both these bridges are back in use and the road has fully reopened with improvements for pedestrians.

'We are extremely grateful to this community for their patience while we completed the work. These two bridges will now serve the community for many years to come.'

Councillor Stuart King, cabinet lead for environment and regeneration at Croydon Council, said: 'I'm pleased to see the second carriageway on Blackhorse Lane in use after December's reopening.

'Making the bridges more accessible for cyclists and pedestrians is another excellent step and I hope the community will make full use of these facilities.'

Sarah Jones, MP for Croydon Central said: 'I am delighted that the Blackhorse Lane bridge has reopened to two-way traffic.

'My constituency office is situated on the bridge and I am keenly aware of how pleased the residents of Addiscombe will be that this necessary project is coming to a close.

'I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who worked with me over the past few years to minimise disruption, compensate residents and ensure that the bridge is fit for purpose.

'I look forward to the local area being fully connected once again.'

The reopening of Blackhorse Lane has been on a phased basis with two-way traffic the final step in delivering these improvements.  The road opened for one-way traffic in December 2019.

Notes to editors:

  • TfL took over ownership of Blackhorse Lane Bridge in September 2013 from Network Rail when the bridge already had a three-tonne weight restriction due to safety concerns. Later surveys showed that further restrictions were needed which eventually led to the closure to traffic on Blackhorse Lane