Bus safety data

Bus safety strategy

The Bus safety strategy builds on the Bus action plan and also captures requirements from the Vision Zero action plan - these plans both support the Mayor's Transport Strategy. The strategy sets out our priorities to ensure that we deliver our Vision Zero targets for a safe bus network.

Bus safety standard

Bus safety reports

This report sets out the findings from a detailed study into the braking characteristics of normal, human driven, buses in-service in London and incidences of passenger injuries to inform the requirements and implementation of Advanced Emergency Braking; a measure required for new buses in 2024 through the Bus Safety Standard.

This report investigates the extent and nature of fatigue in London Bus Drivers, the contributing factors to fatigue, and what solutions could be implemented to address fatigue.

This report analyses data from Stats19, the police fatal archive (police fatal files) the Road Accident In Depth Studies (RAIDS), and the Heavy Vehicle Crash Injury Study (HVCIS) to examine collisions involving buses. It uses the in-depth collision details to assign countermeasures that might help to avoid or mitigate the severity of each collision.

Not all technologies trialled as part of the development of the bus safety standard are available immediately and some will require development time so this road map sets out our future plans for buses up to 2024

This report outlines the findings of the trial of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) technology on a small number of vehicles in the bus fleet to understand the potential role of this technology in promoting adherence to speed limits across the road network:

Bus Safety Innovation Challenge

We work with the London bus operators to trial and evaluate new bus safety innovations through our annual innovation challenge.

This report investigates incidents of unintended acceleration in London buses and identifies potential solutions to the problem of pedal confusion:

This report sets out the findings from research into pedal confusion, looking at the frequency that pedal confusion occurs and the number of incidents of pedal confusion that go unreported by bus drivers, along with the possible causes and solutions to pedal confusion. 

Bus safety data release

Explore the bus safety data using the bus safety dashboard. The file below contains details of all bus related injuries since 2014.

Bus Network Safety Performance Index

We use a Safety Performance Index (SPI) to monitor the safety performance of our bus operators.

Fatal incident investigations

The document below outlines details of all fatalities involving a bus.