How we are governed

TfL's standing orders lay down the decision-making structure and proceedings, together with the Scheme of Delegation.

The GLA Act (Schedule 10) sets out how the Board may establish committees and how it may delegate certain functions to either those committees or to an officer(s) of TfL.

The delegations are set out in the Scheme of Delegation which is included in the standing orders. That document, along with the TfL committees and panels document setting out the terms of reference and the membership for the committees and advisory panels, are on the standing orders page in Publications & reports.

TfL's code of corporate governance provides further details of our governance arrangements, particularly around risk management and standards of conduct. We are committed to acting in accordance with the Nolan Principles of public life, namely: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.


The conduct of Board and committee meetings come under provisions of the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972. To support transparency, we also apply the same provisions to the meetings of our panels.

A public notice of the date, time and venue for meetings is published on this website as well as at our head office and the meeting venue. The meetings are held in public unless information that is exempt from publication needs to be discussed. The meetings are also streamed live on TfL's YouTube channel, with a link provided on the agenda for each meeting.

All papers (unless exempt from publication or accepted by the relevant Chair as an urgent item) are published five clear working days before each meeting.

Board meetings are also recorded and webcast live. You can access the live stream or recordings on the GLA website.

Our current committees and advisory panels are listed below. Each page includes details of the members and papers published after August 2021, along with details of future meeting dates.

Temporary access issue: A technical issue means that we are currently unable to publish papers to their dedicated page, so we have provided links against each meeting to the page where they are published. There is also an issue with connection to the past meeting papers from August 2021. We are seeking to resolve this as soon as possible. 

Board, committee and panels papers published before August 2021 can be found in Publications & reports (select the category "Committees and Panels".

The venue for each meeting is listed in the Public notice of meetings, on the relevant Board, committee and panel page, and on the agenda for each meeting.

As a general rule:

Meetings of the Board:

City Hall
Kamal Chunchie Way
London E16 1ZE

Meetings of the committees and panels:

197 Blackfriars Road
London SE1 8NJ

If you would like any papers in an accessible format, please email the Secretariat at

Board Members

The GLA Act sets out certain provisions for the membership of TfL, including the desirable experience the Members should possess between them.

Find out more information about our Board Members, including short biographies and their declared interests, together with information on: terms and conditions of appointment, remuneration, any expenses paid and gifts and hospitality received.

Further details such as annual attendance at meetings and remuneration details are available in the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts.

Board Members can be contacted via the TfL Secretariat by post or email using the contact details on this page.

Chief Officers

As permitted under the GLA Act and in accordance with TfL's Standing Orders, the Board delegates to the Chief Officers the discharge of any functions of TfL (except for those reserved to the Board or with specific delegations) and the day to day management of the business of the TfL Group.

Find out more information about our Chief Officers, including short biographies and their declared interests, together with information on any expenses paid and gifts and hospitality received.

Subsidiary companies

Find out about our subsidiary companies and their directors.


Find out about the Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (IIPAG) which provides independent assurance and expert advice to the Mayor of London concerning our Investment Programme.

Mayoral Directions

The table below lists directions from the Mayor to TfL and includes links to the relevant Mayoral Decision on the Greater London Authority website.